This is the blog of Verkinix
...And Why?!
Published on February 7, 2008 By Verkinix In Sins of a Solar Empire
Hey all, we've had a couple days to spend with SOASE and I was wondering which factions people prefer and why they prefer them. Please include pros and cons about your prefered faction.

I would have to say my prefered faction is the Vasari simply because their ships look awesome. What's odd is that two of their ships resemble my mouse!

Ship2 Ship1 Mouse

The thing I find annoying about the Vasari is the voice over. It's just not pleasant hearing it over and over again for every event, ship movement, or diplomatic endeavor. But the voices can be shut off and the graphics rock, so whatever.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing what others' favs are!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 07, 2008
They are kinda mouse like aren't they.
on Feb 07, 2008


Enough said.
on Feb 07, 2008
So thats why I like Advent! I knew something looked similar
on Feb 07, 2008
I have the feeling alot of people are drawn toward the advent. I mean who could resist that seductive voice!
on Feb 07, 2008
I like the TEC...

Then again, i am ultimately an economic player!
on Feb 07, 2008

Money money money!
And the best looking ships!

What can I say, I'm a human fan .
on Feb 07, 2008
Vasari. I like the military focus.
on Feb 07, 2008
I like Vasari because of their various phase technologies. Phase stabilizers especially.
on Feb 07, 2008
Vasari - Space Whale
on Feb 07, 2008
TEC - Novalith. Things go boom.
on Feb 07, 2008
TEC because I'm a capitalist at heart... although the Vasari shield defeating missiles are fantastic.
on Feb 07, 2008
I've mainly only played the Vasari, and even then only against the AI. What are you guys talking about with the TEC economy? I guess if they follow their backstory, they would have mining, tax, and trade route bonuses. Is that what it is?
on Feb 07, 2008
The advent, because they are all kinds of amazing and they have the best looking ships.
on Feb 07, 2008
I have the exact same mouse lol.

Advent, kill everyone with culture
on Feb 07, 2008
advent.. the voice is just hot hot hot...
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