This is the blog of Verkinix
Published on May 4, 2009 By Verkinix In PC Gaming

All I have to say is that I am impressed and gladdened by the recent news that Bioware is not going to use any DRM beyond a disk check in their upcoming game Dragon Age: Origins.

According to Community Coordinater Chris Priestly, the only type of anti-piracy that's being put on to any version of the game distributed by EA or BioWare is a disc check. Moreover, it won't even require that the disk be checked online for authenticity.

There seems to be hope for EA yet!  Now lets hope that they start releasing on Impulse and help these awesome Stardock guys out.  I may actually buy this title so long as its digitally available (I still dont like hunting for CDs on a laptop).  So long as EA continues this trend of not trying to squash the pirate bugs like cockroaches and puts their efforts toward the games themselves (this includes increasing the quality levels of the games as well), they may become favorable in my eyes.

The formula is simple, make a high quality game with low maintainance to the user and release it at a reasonable price that reflects the quality of the game.  Then people will part with their hard earned money (at least reasonable and logical people will... guess pirates dont fit either of those categories).  I suppose I should add quality support to the mix because when something goes wrong (and even the best titles have plenty of problems), you want to know that the problem will be acknowledged and fixed (while listening to the actually users and not some tech guy on level 2 who knows very little about how the game functions).

Stardock and GPG are leading the way, but I am pleased EA is following the trend as well, because their products are fairly decent, but DRM will almost always kill them off.  It will be interesting to see if Activision/Blizzard follows this trend as well.  I for one have no interest in D3 or SC2 if they impose activations and installation restrictions beyond loading up steam or impulse to play.

What are other thoughts on this development?

Comments (Page 4)
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on May 07, 2009

When I first stumbled over his initials I was instantaniously reminded of the vicious laughter of J.R. Ewing from Dallas.

on May 07, 2009

Star Adder
When I first stumbled over his initials I was instantaniously reminded of the vicious laughter of J.R. Ewing from Dallas.

They are the same person - trust me on this...

on May 07, 2009

Be thankful that EA isn't as bad as Lucasarts!

on May 07, 2009


I have a tendency to believe you.


Be thankful that EA isn't as bad as Lucasarts!

It isn't ?! 

on May 07, 2009

Ea does a little bit of support after shipping, while Lucasarts does none.

on May 07, 2009

It does?!


No, seriously. I keep on reading everywhere that EA's support is crap. But I guess crap is better than none at all...

on May 07, 2009

I have a bias...I'm a big Bioware fanboy, so I can only hope that EA doesn't ruin them.

on May 07, 2009

I have a bias...I'm a big Bioware fanboy, so I can only hope that EA doesn't ruin them.


I too as well. The release of DA:O without DRM is a good sign however. Lets hope hope the BW magic is still alive after the darkday of the merger.

on May 07, 2009

Yep, same here...

on May 07, 2009

Yeah, I haven't purchased a Lucas Arts game in ages.  I rented force unleashed for the wii which is a fun and well controlled game, but its not worth $50 to me so I'm waiting for it to hit the bargain bin before I get it (which, knowing money grubbing LA, it wont happen for a decade or so... similar to most microsoft game studios and blizzard games... not even a sale on them even 8+ years after the release... WC3 is just not worth $40 in my opinion at this stage in the game)

But I have to agree, I like bioware's products but if EA keeps rear rompin them like they do maxis and every other company they touch, there are going to be alot of unhappy people out there. (Positive side is that Will Wright no longer works FOR EA, but rather a new company --- with sid meier of all people --- that works with EA but not for EA, so maybe we'll get the Spore that I think WW originally intended... one meant for the hard core croud that has all the blood, gore, and other M rated material that the original should have as well as all of the procedural verbs that the original GDC05 had.)

LOL I'm way off track, probably due to the fact that I just woke up and am a bit groggy. Anyway, long story short, old development and publishing methods need to change. We want high quality games with support that dont cost an arm and a leg (all relative to the quality of the product released of course) and we dont need big publishers doing any more then putting their name on the label. Let the developers do their thing. If a game comes out and is sub par and doesnt perform sales wise, then get your mits involved. If they begin to show a trend toward that, then its time to retool them. But most of the companies in EA performed well even before EA got their hands on them, so I dont think they really need that much direction from EA.

At least EA is showing that they are backing off a bit and letting the developers do what they do best. As for this post, EA listened, whether it was by negative reviews of all of their products webwide or the $1B deficit, either way we had our voices heard and they seem to be trying to make a mends for their arrogance and inflexibility. Which can only be good for us all!

on May 08, 2009

Well, to be honest I have to say that I never had any probs with any LA game, so I never needed any support.

But basically you're right that recently LA games haven't been worth full price. Where are the games like X-Wing or TIE Fighter...

on May 08, 2009

Quoting DukeEdwardI, reply 1That is GOOD news.  I was incredibly disappointed when I heard that Mass Effect had the machine limit DRM but I bought it anyway because I was looking forward to it so much.  Looking back, I wish I hadn't just for the principle.  It's too bad that Mass Effect was such a good game and I couldn't resist the pull...




seriosuly, you almost didn't buy a great game cause of drm. you people are so silly

No, he almost didn't buy MASS EFFECT.  Let's not accidentally give a mediocre title the mantle of 'great'.

on May 09, 2009

Star Adder
Where are the games like X-Wing or TIE Fighter...


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