This is the blog of Verkinix
and other problems...
Published on March 28, 2008 By Verkinix In Technical

So yeah, 3 times in the last 15 mins either myself or my friend would get minidump issue in MP online. It worked fine the other day when we were playing. Got about 5 hours in and then saved. We came back to it a day later and played about an hour and it worked fine then too. Now we are picking it up again and getting a minidump every few minutes of play. It's really really really annoying! I mean sheesh, I have 4Gigs of RAM and 500 Gigs of HDD space. I dont see the problem! Most background processes are off when I'm playing so there isnt a significant amount of space being taken up.

Another bug I found was with Vasari. Now last time I was playing, I maxed my tech tree. This included the +15% fleet capacity and I had tons of ships, etc. My fleet capacity was around 0 so I had all the ships I could possibly build. Now when I load, I have -560 fleet capacity! So aparently the +15% FC research is no longer functioning (or was functioning improperly before. Either way it needs to get fixed. I cant simply kill off a ship or two to build a simple migrator. I'd have to kill off half of one of my fleets in order to do such things which is absurd. Anyway, those are the issues I've been experiencing lately and I hope they get fixed soon.


Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 09, 2008
Yeah my friends and I have tried everything, 2/3 of us always get mini dumps after about 3 min of playing. Yesterday they managed to connect a 2 player game, but complianed of serious lag.

Not to mention only one of us can create games that all of us can connect to. This is unacceptable.
on Apr 09, 2008
Speaking about Minidumps I am hoping this is one of the minidump problems...I have am in the process of codeing my own personal mod, and this is one code of a ship I am working with...

entityType "Frigate"
defaultAutoAttackRange "GravityWell"
defaultAutoAttackOn TRUE
prefersToFocusFire TRUE
autoJoinFleetDefault TRUE
canBomb FALSE
frigateRoleType "Light"
statCountType "FrigateLight"
credits 300.000000
metal 55.000000
crystal 0.000000
slotCount 5.000000
BuildTime 24.000000
hasLevels FALSE
ExperiencePointsForDestroying 30.000000
MaxHullPoints 600.000000
MaxShieldPoints 350.000000
HullPointRestoreRate 1.000000
ShieldPointRestoreRate 1.000000
BaseArmorPoints 2.000000
maxMitigation 0.6
NumResearchPrerequisites 0
numRandomDebrisLarge 0
numRandomDebrisSmall 5
numSpecificDebris 0
armorType "Medium"
minZoomDistanceMult 1.500000
NumWeapons 3
WeaponType "Projectile"
AttackType "ANTIHEAVY"
DamageApplyType "BACKLOADED"
DamageType "ENERGY"
WeaponClassType "LASERTECH"
DamagePerBank:FRONT 52.250000
DamagePerBank:BACK 0.000000
DamagePerBank:LEFT 0.000000
DamagePerBank:RIGHT 0.000000
Range 3500.000000
PreBuffCooldownTime 5.500000
CanFireAtFighter FALSE
SynchronizedTargeting TRUE
PointStaggerDelay 0.300000
TravelSpeed 4000.000000
Duration 0.000000
weaponType "Projectile"
burstCount 4
burstDelay 0.250000
muzzleEffectName "Weapon_TechCapitalLaserLight_Muzzle"
muzzleSoundMinRespawnTime 0.400000
soundCount 3
hitEffectName "Weapon_TechCapitalLaserLight_Hit"
soundCount 1
soundCount 1
projectileTravelEffectName "Weapon_TechCapitalLaserLight_Travel"
WeaponType "Beam"
DamageApplyType "OVERTIME"
DamageType "ENERGY"
WeaponClassType "BEAM"
DamagePerBank:FRONT 25.000000
DamagePerBank:BACK 10.000000
DamagePerBank:LEFT 9.000000
DamagePerBank:RIGHT 9.000000
Range 5000.000000
PreBuffCooldownTime 1.000000
CanFireAtFighter FALSE
SynchronizedTargeting TRUE
PointStaggerDelay 0.250000
TravelSpeed 0.000000
Duration 4.000000
weaponType "Beam"
burstCount 2
burstDelay 5.000000
muzzleEffectName "Weapon_TechCapitalBeamHeavy_Muzzle"
muzzleSoundMinRespawnTime 0.100000
soundCount 1
sound ""
hitEffectName "Weapon_TechCapitalBeamHeavy_Hit"
soundCount 1
sound ""
soundCount 1
sound ""
soundCount 1
beamGlowTextureName "TechCapitalBeam_Glow"
beamCoreTextureName "TechCapitalBeam_Core"
beamWidth 20.000000
beamGlowColor ffffffff
beamCoreColor ffffffff
beamTilingRate 3.000000
WeaponType "Missile"
DamageApplyType "BACKLOADED"
DamageType "PHYSICAL"
WeaponClassType "PHASEMISSILE"
DamagePerBank:FRONT 90.599998
DamagePerBank:BACK 50.000000
DamagePerBank:LEFT 0.000000
DamagePerBank:RIGHT 0.000000
Range 5000.000000
PreBuffCooldownTime 1.000000
CanFireAtFighter FALSE
SynchronizedTargeting FALSE
PointStaggerDelay 0.080000
TravelSpeed 1000.000000
Duration 0.000000
weaponType "Missile"
burstCount 2
burstDelay 10.000000
muzzleEffectName "Weapon_PhaseCapitalMissileHeavy_Muzzle"
muzzleSoundMinRespawnTime 0.100000
soundCount 2
hitEffectName "Weapon_PhaseCapitalMissileHeavy_Hit"
soundCount 1
soundCount 1
missileTravelEffectName "Weapon_PhaseCapitalMissileHeavy_Travel"
missileStartTurningDistance 100.000000
missileSlowTurnRate 0.708997
missileMaxSlowTurnTime 3.000000
m_weaponIndexForRange 0
hasWeaponLevels FALSE
mass 2000.000000
ShieldMeshName "Shield_FrigateTechLight"
maxAccelerationLinear 200.000000
maxAccelerationStrafe 10.000000
maxDecelerationLinear 500.000000
maxAccelerationAngular 3.300000
maxDecelerationAngular 9.999996
maxSpeedLinear 800.000000
squadTypeEntityDef:0 ""
squadAntiMatterCost:0 0.000000
squadTypeEntityDef:1 ""
squadAntiMatterCost:1 0.000000
maxNumCommandPoints 0
MeshName "Frigate_TechLight"
ExhaustParticleSystemName "Exhaust_FrigateTechLight"
ExplosionName "Frigate0"
HyperspaceChargingSoundID "HYPERSPACE_CHARGEUP"
HyperspaceTravelSoundID "HYPERSPACE_TRAVEL"
ability:0 "AbilitySabotageAntiMatter"
ability:1 ""
ability:2 ""
ability:3 ""
MaxAntiMatter 200.000000
AntiMatterRestoreRate 0.500000
cargoType "Invalid"
maxCargoCapacity 0.000000
formationRank 0
minShadow 0.100000
maxShadow 0.800000

What you see here are 3 weapons I have spec for this ship. My problem is after destroying a targeted ship in-game, my game decides to stop functioning. (Says in Task manager "Not responding". Any hints why?
on Apr 09, 2008
First off, your mod has nothing to do with this thread. So make a new one.
Second, almost all mod problems can be resolved by enabling logging to see what went wrong.
on Apr 09, 2008
No need to be an ass over this post lol, and yes this had everything to do with this thread ... IT WAS ABOUT MINI DUMPS I need to know if its a minidump problem or hints it its NOT.
on Apr 09, 2008
Yeah thats new to me how do you log the mod......???
on Apr 09, 2008
No need to be an ass over this post lol, and yes this had everything to do with this thread ... IT WAS ABOUT MINI DUMPS I need to know if its a minidump problem or hints it its NOT.

"Says in Task manager "Not responding"" is not a minidump. Regardless, a minidump is not a specific problem. Again - it only means the application crashed for some reason or another. Coming in here and asking for help on a modding thing related to minidumps is even more nonsensical then a bunch of people complaining about a "minidump issue" which has no single underlying cause. The only reason mods crash is if you did something wrong, and if you need help with that you can make a separate thread on it or PM someone who knows what they're doing.

EDIT: Removed solution. I'm not helping someone with problems that makes posts referring to me like "Although the person never answerd because they are retarded I am guessing who cannot be human". Don't be a dick, nobody has to help you.
on Apr 09, 2008
Annatar11 we are reasonable people that want a working game. One of our players asked for a refund since we can't play the game and was referred to Stardock where he is pursuing that. If that works out then I'll get a refund and then come back and buy the game months down the road at bargain basement prices when it actually works. How do you know that there aren't many people minidumping are you so tunnel visioned to think that since it works for you it works for others and that everyone else that is having an issue is a moron that can't troubleshoot? I keep hearing that there aren't many experiencing the mindump but how is someone getting a count? If only a few go to the effort of sending in the minidump or posting about it don't you think they might be representative of huge quantities? How many minidump posts do you see on the forums? How can you slam the people trying to get a game they purchased to work and spending huge quantities of time troubleshooting it to play the game that they so enjoy when it is working? We can't even finish a multi game!
on Apr 09, 2008
lol @ returning your NVidia card for an ATi.
on Apr 09, 2008
I was a loyal Nvidia buyer for a decade since ATI couldn't code a stable driver during that time frame if their life depended on it but recently it seems like ATI and Nvidia have switched places. I recently bought my first ATI card and haven't had any driver issues on any games (that I am aware of) but there were TONS of Nvidia driver issues recently. Just an FYI that none of us were ATI fanatics that's for sure but in this recent round they seem to be more stable. Hopefully Nvidia will get it together and come back to what I expect from them.
on Apr 09, 2008

I apologize for the MP dumps. I've addressed this multiple times in other threads but they've been buried so it isn't because we are ignoring it or trying to hide it - its just impossible to comment on it everytime it reappears in a new thread. Tech support has also been in email contact with a variety of people (including some in this thread).

The MP bug is 1 of 2 major bugs we are aware of and its a sync bug. Statistically, it is very rare which is why it is so difficult for us to track down (we have yet to see it ourselves but we have something going out soon that will help us find it from those who do get it). Also, any multiplayer fixes are scheduled to go out in 1.1 not 1.04. They are in seperate code paths and completely seperate systems being worked on by completely seperate people. This isn't a matter of just throwing the fix into 1.04 and 1.04 development is not slowing down 1.1's development so don't feel we are wasting time on 1.04 (balance + misc) when the *real* bug is in 1.1 (multiplayer).

Now, to save you all a lot of headaches - the nature of the sync bug is that once you've had a game where it happens it is very unlikely you can recover from a MP save game. If you load the MP save game and continue to play you will crash again. You will then load a more recent save game and crash again. The crashes will come more and more frequently. If you see this behavior just start over as its very probably that its the sync bug and the crash is nothing to do with your machines, network, or drivers.

As soon as 1.04 is out I am going to make a post looking for volunteers. I have a special 1.04 build that will track the synchronization info we need to track it down. Since we can't recreate it we need to have a few players who it happens to regularly to play 1.04 with this build and then send us their logs when it goes out of sync.

Finally, I'll make a sticky in the technical thread covering most of this info so hopefully new people with the same problem will be informed on what is being done and what the source of the problem is.

P.S Minidump is the generic term for a general crash - it could be anything and is not caused by any specific problem. We can decode the minidump to get useful information on the true nature of the crash.

on Apr 09, 2008
See, this is we love them so much

If i were into dudes, Blair should be my wife (sorry Yarlen)
on Apr 09, 2008
Thank you for the update! This is really all we are after, a little information and status. I would also suggest putting an area in the FAQ of known issues. We can get this crash to happen every time, we would be more than happy to help when you're ready.
on Apr 09, 2008

Thanks for volunteering BlueSolitare. Please email with the subject "Sync Bug Volunteer" and I'll add you the list (you are the first).

And if anyone else thinks they are syncing out and it happens regularly, please follow the email instructions above as well.

on Apr 09, 2008
I had a minidump problem, that don't make my saved game continue.
Everytime i load my saved game, everything works...but as soon as i select my ships on the left menu, the game crashes, and i cannot finish my skirmish.
on Apr 10, 2008
Blair, THANK YOU for the post, what you have posted completely describes the situation that we are seeing and it is great to get confirmation that it is in no way hardware or platform related. My little group DOES get it almost every game however. Can you describe the nature of what is going wrong so that we know what actions in-game trigger it? I might be game to have my group volunteer for 1.4 but some of them are upset enough to not play the game any longer so I may have to see if everyone is game to try.
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